14 March 2011

Cooking Today _ Caramel Cream Cheese Custard

1/2 cup  sugar (gula)
2 tablespoons  water (air)
8 ounces  reduced-fat cream cheese, (Neufchatel), softened ( keju low fat, boleh cari d kedai supply bahan kek ye)
8   large eggs ( telur)
1 14-ounce can  nonfat or low-fat sweetened condensed milk ( low fat susu cair ye)
1 12-ounce can  nonfat or low-fat evaporated milk ( susu rendah lemak ye)
2 teaspoons  vanilla extract ( esen vanila)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
panaskan oven anda 350 darjah F
2. Cook sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, gently swirling the pan (do not stir), until the mixture turns golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Immediately, pour the caramel carefully into a 9-inch round metal cake pan. If it stiffens before it completely covers the bottom of the pan, warm the pan in the oven, then swirl to cover the bottom.
Masak gula bersama air di dalam periuk(pan pancakes pon boleh gak) tahan panas. dan jgn kacau, biarkan gula larut dgn sendiri sehingga menjadi warna kuning keperang-perangan. masak dlm 5-7 min. selepas itu masuk kan caramel yang telah di masak ke dalam loyang kek. Tips: pastikan pan tersebut dalam keadaan suam2..jgn sejuk sgt..nanti melekat dkt pan.
3. Beat cream cheese in a large bowl with a mixer at medium-high speed until soft. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until thoroughly combined, scraping down the sides. Add condensed milk, evaporated milk and vanilla; mix until combined. Carefully pour into the prepared pan. (You may hear some cracking; the pan will be very full.)
pukul cream cheese dalam mangkuk yang besar dgn menggunakan mixer cake. dalam kelajuan sederhana sehingga menjadi gebu dan mampat. sesudah itu, dekatkan tepi ye. masukkan susu, susu cair, dan esen vanila. pukul sehingga sebati.
4. Place the cake pan in a larger pan and pour enough hot water around it to come 1 inch up the sides. Bake until golden and set at the edges but still wobbly at the center, about 1 hour. A knife inserted in the center should come out clean.
masukkan dalam loyang kek yang besar bersama air panas sedalam 1 inci di dalam. bakar sehingga menjadi kekuningan san setelah masak, rehat kan selama 1 jam.. cucuk di tengah untuk memastikan masak di dalam.
5. Transfer the cake pan to a wire rack and let cool to room temperature, about 1 hour. Then cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight. To serve, run a knife around the edge of the pan and invert the flan onto a plate.
pindahkan caramel tersebut ke atas rak, dan biarkan sejuk dlam suhu bilik. selama 1 jam. kemudian tutup dan masukkan dlam peti sejuk sekurang2 nye 4 jam atau semalaman. untuk menghidang, keliling kan pan dengan pisau untuk memastikan tidak melekat di pan dan terbalik kan ke atas pinggan..siap..

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